The repeater in Floyd is a System Fusion capable machine with an Arcom RC210 repeater controller attached. The Echolink system will connect to one of the 3 "radio" ports on the controller. A look at the Repeater builder website shows a number of sound card interfaces that will directly connect to the back of a number of different radio's and repeater controllers. I bought one that fit the RC210 directly.
I shall not be explaining how the various steps are performed. They are well documented on their respective websites.
Things I used:
- Raspberry Pi 3 single board computer
- USB-RIM Lite sound card interface
- 8GB MicroSD card
- 3D printed 19" rack mount case
- USB power supply
What I did:
1) Install latest Raspian Lite image onto the SD card. Make sure to enable SSH.
2) Install SD card into the RPi. Attach an Ethernet cable and power.
3) Log in to the RPi and set up the environment with "sudo rasp-config".
4) Disable the WiFi and Bluetooth radio's as we'll be using Ethernet. Edit /boot/config.txt
2) Install SD card into the RPi. Attach an Ethernet cable and power.
3) Log in to the RPi and set up the environment with "sudo rasp-config".
4) Disable the WiFi and Bluetooth radio's as we'll be using Ethernet. Edit /boot/config.txt
# Free up some memory by allocating less RAM to the graphics
gpu_mem=16# Increase current to USB ports
# Turn off WiFi and Bluetoothdtoverlay=pi3-disable-wifidtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt
5) Install SVXLink per the instructions
6) Configure the SVXLink config file The USB-RIM interface required HID_RAW settings and the HID_PTT on GPIO3 also.
7) Configure the Echolink config file